FAQ for Brad
Tonight, Brad Ashford will launch, again, his already flailing campaign as he attempts to head back to Congress.
We wonder if this means the Republican, Independent, Democrat candidate is serious and ready to finally answer questions on key issues he’s been avoiding. He can start by answering these two:
- Will you vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker if Democrats retake the House? NOTE: 3 months ago Brad said, he “hasn’t gotten that in [his] head,” yet he’s voted twice for Pelosi for Speaker and with her nearly 80% of the time.
- When it comes to health care, an issue currently at the top of voters’ minds, does Brad support protecting the status quo or moving to a single-payer system?
“Brad Ashford is nothing more than a career politician who is willing to do or say anything to get elected. Nebraskans won’t be fooled, and CLF’s team is reminding voters daily of the real Brad Ashford.” – Courtney Alexander, CLF spokeswoman