playing politics with national security
Stephanie Murphy leaned on her national security experience to get elected, but yesterday showed her true colors by voting to permit the use of taxpayer funds to transfer or release prisoners detained at Guantanamo Bay. The amendment would allow terrorists to be moved to the United States, and if Murphy thinks Floridians are okay with terrorists on U.S. soil, her vote shows just how out-of-touch she is.
Moving the most dangerous terrorists in the world poses a risk to our national security, and someone with Murphy’s background should know that.
Nadler Amendment No. 6 To The NDAA For Fiscal-Year 2018 Would Eliminate The Section Of The Bill That Prohibits The Use Of Funds For Transfer Or Release Of Individuals Detained At Guantanamo Bay To The United States. “Nadler (D-NY) – Amendment No. 6 – Strikes section 1022 of the bill prohibiting the use of funds for transfer or release of individuals detained at Guantanamo Bay to the United States.” (“Amendments To H.R. 2810 – National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2018,” The Republican Cloakroom, 7/13/17)