Is the House Safe?

Did you hear what Nancy Pelosi said? She says she’s now “even more optimistic” that Democrats can reclaim the House.

We cannot let this happen again. The last time she was in charge, we got the trillion-dollar “Stimulus” as well as restricted healthcare access and higher premiums from Obamacare – a law passed before anyone could read it.

We are going to do something about this. In fact, our internal polling currently shows that Republicans have an opportunity to keep the House under Speaker Paul Ryan’s leadership. But we cannot keep the House without your help.

Will you give $25, $50, 100 or $250 to keep Speaker Ryan in charge of the House?

Recently, we announced we’re spending in over 15 different races so far this election – TV ads, digital ads and more. But there are many more races that are competitive. We want to help, but we need more money to compete. That’s the bottom line. We are already getting outspent by national Democrat groups like Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC and other extreme liberal spending machines.

Make a statement by helping to stop Nancy Pelosi from retaking the House. Give an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100 or $250.

Remember, by helping put our ads on the air, you are also helping keep the House in Republican hands and supporting Speaker Paul Ryan’s Better Way agenda. At a time when Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are threatening to drive us off a fiscal cliff, we need to elect strong leaders in the House to get us back on track.

Thank you,

Mike Shields
Congressional Leadership Fund