Baked in the Clinton Cake

House Democrats’ full embrace of Hillary Clinton is finalized today as she meets with the whole Democratic Caucus this morning. Amid House Democrats’ fake smiles for Hillary, they must worry about the political drag she can be on the ballot. As if Hillary’s record of dishonesty weren’t bad enough, House Democrats will share a ballot with a presidential nominee connected to an FBI ‘criminal investigation.’

So here’s a few questions House Democrats should answer about Hillary:

1. How do they explain their support for Hillary Clinton given the criminal FBI investigation into her email server? Do they have any concern about her judgment? The outcome of the investigation?

2. Will they continue to stand with Hillary Clinton in supporting unpopular, failed policies such as Obamacare and the Iran nuclear deal? Do they think voters want another four years of Obama’s policies?

3. Will they publicly campaign with Hillary Clinton if/when she comes to their district? Or will they opt for just private fundraisers?

It’s time House Democrats start answering for their scandal-plagued nominee, including her dismal policies and dishonest record. The American people don’t trust Hillary, and they have reason to distrust every House Democrat shilling for her, too.


Politico: Judge links Clinton aide’s immunity to ‘criminal investigation’ A former information technology aide to Hillary Clinton received immunity from the Justice Department in connection with a criminal investigation, a federal judge confirmed Tuesday. Bryan Pagliano, a computer expert who worked at the State Department while Clinton was secretary of state and was also paid privately by her, was previously reported to have received immunity in connection with statements he gave to the FBI about Clinton’s private server set-up.

Kaiser Family Foundation: Public’s View of Health Care Law Leans Negative Overall ratings of the ACA lean negative this month, with 38 percent saying they have a favorable view and 49 percent saying they have an unfavorable view…The percentage of Democrats who have an unfavorable opinion of the law increased 6 percentage points to 25 percent, up from 19 percent last month.

Gallup: 3 in 10 Americans Approve of Iran Nuclear Agreement Nearly twice as many Americans disapprove of the deal as approve, 57% versus 30%.…Three-quarters of U.S. adults say the potential development of nuclear weapons by Iran represents a critical threat to the vital interests of the U.S. in the next 10 years.

CNN: CNN/ORC Poll, June 16-19, 2016: Trump has picked up some ground over Clinton when voters are asked who is more honest and trustworthy (45% say Trump, 37% Clinton).

Politico: Clinton’s Polling Quagmire Clinton’s ratings on trustworthiness were already woeful: A Fox News poll two weeks ago found just 31 percent of voters think Clinton is honest and trustworthy, while nearly two-thirds said they don’t think she is. And overall, her numbers are significantly worse than Trump’s scores on the same question. Among independents, nearly 80 percent don’t think she’s honest and trustworthy. Even among Democrats, a third don’t find her trustworthy.