CLF Releases New Ads in Eight House Races

Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), the super PAC endorsed by Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republican Leadership, launched new ads in eight battleground congressional districts today. The ads spotlight Democrats’ support of far-left policies that have led to higher costs, rampant illegal immigration, and unchecked crime, while also highlighting candidates’ shady lobbying records and self-serving dealings.
“The Democrats’ failures from the border to inflation are just too much to try and run away from, and CLF will make sure of that,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella.
MI-07: “The Lobbyist”
NC-01: “Disappear”
MI-08: “Pay Raise”
CA-27: “Partner”
IA-03:“Deleted Tweets”
AZ-01: “Radical”
NE-02: “Plan”
CA-45: “Noose”