Avlon Shows True Colors, Backs Most Extreme Top of Ticket Ever

Manhattan elitist John Avlon – a so-called “moderate Democrat” – showed his true colors by emphatically praising radical Tim Walz, calling him a “solid choice” for Kamala Harris’ running mate.

Avlon even said the Walz-Harris ticket is “rooted in common sense,” but one look at the Minnesota governor’s record proves that couldn’t be further from the truth:

  • Walz stood by while violent “defund the police” rioters destroyed Minneapolis in 2020.
  • He’s catered to anti-Israel progressives.
  • He’s actively defended socialism, saying: “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
  • He’s a sanctuary state advocate, who gave illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded healthcare, tuition, and driver’s licenses.
  • He’s backed radical economic policies that have caused prices to rise.
  • And he even tried to increase the gas tax on Minnesotans by 70%.

And we already know Kamala Harris’ progressive record speaks for itself… This ticket is the most extreme in our nation’s history and would only take New York backward.

“Fake moderate John Avlon just rubber-stamped the most extreme liberal top of ticket in history. The Harris-Walz agenda will bring our country nothing but chaos from far-left, America-last policies,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole.