Don Davis’ China Problem is a National Security Threat

new report reveals that Don Davis has been subject to Chinese Communist Party influence since 2013.

Davis previously took an all-expenses paid trip to China funded by “an arm of the CCP,” which the report says seeks out foreigners friendly to China to… shape ‘alliances of convenience with other political parties, social groups, and individuals’” to “’strengthen the overall position of the Leninist Party and sow division among its enemies.’”

These ties are especially interesting considering North Carolina is home to one of the country’s largest concentrations of Chinese-owned farmland, and China owns 6,500 acres of farmland in Davis’ district alone.

Perhaps that’s why he has been notably silent on the concerns associated with this practice…

At a time when there is bipartisan support in Congress to protect Americans from the malign influence of the CCP, Don Davis’ compromised relationship has no business anywhere near the Capitol. 

“Don Davis’ China ties should be deeply concerning not only to the voters, but also to the many congressional Democrats who’ve worked with Republicans to hold China accountable this Congress,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “Davis’ relationship with China is a threat to our national security.”