10 New Ads Hit the Airwaves as CLF’s Ad Blitz Continues

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC aligned with Leader Kevin McCarthy and all of House Republican Leadership, launched new ads in ten House races today, including its first spot in Florida’s 27th Congressional District. The flight of ads targets Democrats for supporting tax hikes, putting public safety at risk, and corrupt self-dealing.
“Instead of standing up for American families, Democrats pushed higher taxes, coddled criminals, and prioritized their own bottom line,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Democrats couldn’t be more out of touch with families back home, and we’re going to ensure voters never forget it.”
FL-27: “Revolution”
NJ-07: “Watch”
CT-05: “It’s Scary”
OH-01: “Defund 2”
CA-22: “Stop”
CA-47: “Doesn’t Care 2”
CA-49: “Problem”
IA-02: “Fooled”
IL-17: “Billion Dollar Lie”
NC-13: “Lucky Penny”