Brindisi screws cops to make a quick buck

Congressman Brindisi doesn’t just want to screw the cops: he wants to make a quick buck doing it.
A brutal new exposé out this morning details how Congressman Brindisi made a fortune suing cops at his family law practice and that his push to end qualified immunity would “provide a financial boon to his major donors and family.”
Between this, and cashing in on the coronavirus relief fund… Brindisi never once stopped at a chance to use his office to make himself rich.
“Just when you think Washington politicians couldn’t get any worse, it comes out that Congressman Brindisi wants to betray the police so his family and donors can get rich suing them,” said CLF Spokesman Will Reinert. “That’s not leadership, it’s grift, and the people of New York’s 22nd District deserve far better.”